Friday 9 October 2009

About Us

Looking good and feeling great in your own skin is so important. There are lots of fantastic products on the market to help you achieve this; however, not all of them work for everyone and some are cheaper than others.
Here at Beautiful You we aim to help you make good choices and try to help you avoid the hassle of poor buys.
Trying new beauty products is what we love, and here we will share our experiences with you! If you would like to contact us, you can email us, or find us on twitter, tweeting as @beautyu
Who is behind Beautiful You?
We are two girls, living in the south of England who have a beauty product obsession, and after spending endless hours talking to each other about beauty products we loved and ones we didn't love so much, we decided to start Beautiful You.


"My big passion is make-up. I love experimenting with new product ranges and colours, and perfecting the natural look. During this time when every penny counts, I have been searching the high street for beauty alternatives that match up to the luxury brands we have all come to know and love.
Outside of beauty, I love to travel, enjoy baking and cooking for my husband, and have a little cat called Coral, who you will know if you follow us on Twitter as I endlessly tweet about him!"

"I talk skincare wherever I go, whomever I meet…basically all the time. I used to have some skin problems that now are under control and am raving about the solutions that work. My friends call me a beauty-products addict but I just love beauty stuff; like to try new things and pass on some hints and tips that I discover. I try to stay on top of skincare news so I know what’s new in town and what I should rave about.Other than beauty, I recently disovered a hidden talent for baking, and now bake as much as I can in my spare time. I also love to travel, and shopping is of course my other big hobby!"
We look forward to getting to know you and having fun!

Stay Beautiful!
Stace & Mags x

Updated on 2nd January 2012